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Sikhs are not Muslim terrorists, STOP killing them

We are in no way advocating killing Muslims but we do want to point out the key differences between Sikhs and Muslims. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Most Muslims are like normal people, want to earn money, care for their children and live a peaceful life. Many of them are embarrassed by the acts of terrorism and want them gone from the world.


Sikhs are often misunderstood as Muslims because of the beard and the head gear.  After September 11 they have been shot, killed because the haters didn’t know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims.


Click on this hyper link to read about the Sikhs that got killed in the hate crimes that perpetrated after September 11 in the country.


The latest shootings against Sikhs shows how much the general population of America is ignorant about the differences between Sikhs and Muslims.


Sikhs are neither Hindus nor Muslims. They offshoot from Hinduism but have their own beliefs and practices.


There are many differences between Sikhs and Muslim, culturally, socially and religiously but they get confused as Muslims because of the headgear.


Again, that does not mean innocent Muslims should be killed.


Sikh men wear turbans only of three kinds mainly to cover their long hair. Muslim men wear many types of headgear and they do not have long hair, well they might, but most of them do not.


Look at the pictures, and know the difference.


Muslim Turban
Muslim Turban
Muslim Turban2
Muslim Turban2
Muslim Turban
Muslim Turban









Young Sikh Boy
Young Sikh Boy
Most popular Sikh Turban
Most popular Sikh Turban
Young Sikh Child
Young Sikh Child

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