Please don’t deport my 9 year old son to a land he doesn’t know because of his autism.

Tyronne a 9-year-old boy has been living in Australia with his mother for eight years. He is an autistic kid.


Maria Sevilla his mother has been working in Australia as a skilled worker. After they moved from Philippines, Tyronne got diagnosed with autism. When her visa came from renewal it was rejected. The denial was because of high healthcare costs related to treatment of autism.


Mary Seville worked as a registered nurse and was forced to take leave without pay this Monday because her visa wasn’t renewed.


Along with friends from all over the world they started a petition urging the government to allow them to stay in Australia.

The petition has already gathered over 123,000 signatures and is growing. Mary Seville says in her petition : “I’ve applied for a visa to keep working here, now, they’ve told me it’s been refused because of Tyrone. They’re saying we are going to be forced to leave, and that I only have 21 days to try and submit an appeal.

Tyrone is not a burden, he is a joy.  He’s non-verbal, but he still hears and still experiences the world. He is a happy child with full of life attitude and can lighten the mood of a room with his presence.  He doesn’t take any medication, and he attends a special school.  The idea that he can’t contribute because of his condition is just wrong.  People with autism can be excellent at a whole range of things, he just need to be given a chance!”

The appeal was made to Peter Dutton and he has indicated they might be able to stay in Australia. He says – “In many of these cases we want to try and provide support to families that are in a very difficult situation. We have to weigh up all of the circumstances and particulars of the relevant case,” he said.


If you believe in the cause please sign the petition here.



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