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Syrian rebels behead catholic priest

muradJihadists have beheaded Franciscan Father Francois Murad a catholic priest in Syria.


The Vatican City has confirmed the death of the priest. The 49-year-old priest was mercilessly killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria. It is being said that Murad was killed by the jihadi group Jabhat-Al-Nusra. This is an al-Qaeda led group, which claimed responsibility to Damascus bombing last Tuesday.


Liveleak .com has the video in which the father is shown being beheaded. It is an extremely disturbing video –you can hear men’s chanting while the priest is beheaded by a kitchen knife. You can watch the video on by clicking here. In the video you can hear people saying they are following the law of God by doing this act! Please watch the video only if you are over 18 years old. It is an extremely disturbing video where people are gathered around and in a joyous state –sad fact is it’s not a cake cutting that’s happening!


Catholic Online believes it is very important the world knows that Christians are being murdered for their faith, and that martyrdom isn’t an ancient phenomenon.        


Catholic online also stated this should make it clear to Christians around the world what jihadists are about. Make no mistake. Catholics and Christians around the globe are under dire threat, particularly from the spread of militant Islam. Until the threat is recognized and taken seriously, martyrdoms like this will continue.





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