Having lived in the US for 17 years, we should assume that now I should know the etiquettes and behavior local to here. Nah! Not so much. I am […]
Letter that Ayn Rand wrote to her niece
I find this letter of Ayn Rand rich with life’s advice while showing clarity and lucidity of thought and words. This letter has gone viral over the last few days, […]
Coolest way to quit a job-make a video!
Marina Shifrin video editor at Next Media Animation quit her job by uploading a video on you tube . She dances on the
What you say on Facebook can either build or mar your chances of getting that dream job
Our lives are becoming more public than we realize. Facebook, twitter, pinterest, have all made us more connected to people that we know and sometimes more than we want or […]
You have to be beautiful in South Korea -at all costs and pains
What happened to the phrase “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder “ Looks like its extinct –at least in South Korea. One in five girls go through some […]
Sheryl Sandberg in her book “Lean In” advises women to get what they want by living life her way
Sheryl Sandberg—43, holder of a Harvard M.B.A., protégé of Clinton Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, former vice president at Google, GOOG -0.28%current chief operating officer at Facebook FB -2.69% and mother of two young children—believes women are holding themselves […]
Serial multi-taskers or good at nothing ?
Workers who boast that they can multitask are actually the worst at doing several things at once and at focusing on single jobs, according to a new study. Serial multitaskers […]