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Tips to Transform from the Summer Mode to School Routine


In some states, school is yet to start but in Midwest the schools have begun. It’s not easy for the kids and the families to switch from the summer mode to regular school mode. The numerous late nights during the summer, breakfast and lunch combining to become brunch were relaxing, but now the body and the mind need to follow another routine.

The kids are more resilient than parents, so a few habits at the start of the school year makes the entire year fruitful.


Establishing a Sleep Pattern


The body clock needs to change and adjust to the new times. Make a gradual change. Ideally, the change should start two weeks before the school begins. The kids should start sleeping early to be fresh in the morning. Each night you need to dial back the clock a bit. Establish a sleep time routine.


Establishing an Academic Routine


The first few weeks of school should be spent in forming good study habits. Whether the child is six-year-old or fourteen-year-old, founding good study habits at the beginning of the year keep them focused throughout the year. Study habits include- going through the home folder, doing homework right after coming from school rather than waiting till the evening to end and researching about a subject that piqued their interest in school.


Establishing T.V and Electronics Routine


In summer, most parents allow kids to watch T.V and use their electronics without any limit. Parents should use the first few weeks to change these habits. For e.g. they could tell their child that T.V will be switched on only on the weekends, but the children are allowed to be on their electronics for an hour each day. Do what appeals to you most, but put rules in this area. There might be some resistance, but remember you are the parent and it’s in the interest of the children to lay down good habits.



Sticking to the Routine


This is the most important thing that helps kids and parents in the long run. When you lay down the rules and routine, stick to it. Any change is only difficult in the first two weeks so adhere to it and then the changes will become a habit for you and the kids.


Written by Shelly Joan. Shelly Joan lives in the vibrant city of Naperville and is a wonderful mother to two kids.

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