Dramatech.in is producing a one-act play in Hindi called “Inspector Matadin Chand Par”. It is a rip-roaring satire by one of Hindi’s best-known satirists – Shri Harishankar Parsai. It narrates the story of how the police on Moon are not able to nab criminals effectively so they request training from the Indian Police. And Indian Police sends one of their well-known inspectors – Inspector Matadin for this task. How he trains and transforms the Moon establishment is the riotous journey of this play. It has eight male and one female role.
Dramatech was formed in 1984 by three alumni of IIT Delhi: Subramanian Sanyal(1978), Deepak Gidwani(1981) and Rakesh Gupta(1981). It later expanded to attract talent from other institutions, in particualar, IIM Ahmedabad and Delhi University. The group is now composed of students (IITD, LSR, DPS RKP, Vasant Valley School, Venkateswara, Sri Aurobindo, IP University, ..), corporate professionals (HP, IAS, KPMG, IITD, Airtel, Rediffusion, McCann, agencyfaqs.com, ..), entrepreuners (Ezeeflex, itasveer.com, Brown Heart Chocolates, Red Hat Entertainment,..), teachers and homemakers.
The plan is to start the rehearsals in a week or so and put up the production by end of April to Mid May. First reading is on this Sunday, February 7 @ 2:30. Call Archana Gidwani @ 331 330 6158 for more details. Address for the first reading : 707, Sherwood Ct., Naperville.
Even if you have never acted before but have the talent for it, show up @ 707 Sherwood Ct., Naperville this Sunday on February 7 @ 2:30.