An Angel by Choice ……
How far will a kind human being go to help those in need is the question ….. Will cross all limits , Will leave no stone unturned , is the answer.
That is the thought that came to my mind when I met Anuradha Mishra Jain at her shelter “Hope for the speechless soul ” . A kind soul who has dedicated her life to helping dogs in need . The poor souls born on roads , live a tough life of neglect and die a painful death due to lack of treatment or cruel and callous nature of some humans. Beaten to death , poisoned , starved, run over , injured , paralyzed . For such babies Anuradha is mercy personified who loves them, feeds them ,protects them and even buries the dead with her own hands giving them some dignity in their death . But mind you she never uses the term ‘Dogs’ to address them , they are all her Furry babies. She is a one woman army who with her love and passion is fighting against all odds to care n protect these speechless souls . A home maker who manages her home and runs a small Dog Shelter at the same time . A gentle soul who is polite , talks softly and laughs a lot but then wait till you see her fight for the rights of these furry babies she turns into a hurricane and blows away all trying to harm the strays .
Her mornings start at 6am with her feeding 70 odd stray dogs n puppies on the street in her area . Side by side she carries her medicine box cum first aid kit and gives on the spot treatment to those in need , mostly victims of hit and run .
Then she is off to her own shelter where all SOS cases come. Medicines are to be given , injections administered , drips are started , physiotherapy , oil massage . when ever a rescue call comes, be it day or night its Anuradha who rushes to the spot for help . Evenings bring with it another round of feeding of the strays and treatment . Apart from all this she keeps organizing Vaccination drives . She goes to every nook and corner, finds the stray babies and administers 8 in 1 vaccination or Anti Rabies .
Adverse weather has no power to stop her just as physical ailments can not hold her back . “ I do not have time to be sick” is her reply “ I have too many babies to look after “ . Sometimes she can not even recall when she had her last meal and quickly gulps something down if she starts to feel nauseous and then rushes again . Vegan by choice this lady shuns everything which is a product of cruelty towards animals.
Her tryst with the four legged babies started when accidently their bike skid outside a pet shop . To pass the time she ventured in and started playing with a German shepherd pup who was very sick . Soon it was obvious that the shop keeper had no intention to spend money on his treatment . Skattu was picked up by her and then next one month was spent rushing from one vet to the other . Today he is a healthy 8 year old , totally possessive of his mother and savior . This baby brought awareness in her life and she rescued three more strays and adopted them , they stay with her now in her home and are looked after by her 15 year old daughter Simran who shares her mother’s passion for dogs and fully supports her in every way possible. Thus started a way of living where treating , sterilization and feeding all straysbecame not only her passion but her responsibility.
.But sometimes on the spot treatment was just not enough for the stray babies who expired on the road as dust caused infection and administering saline drip was impossible. She yearned for her own shelter . Credit for her shelter goes to another baby Coco a victim of hit and run found by her on verge of death .
She tried to give him the best of treatment but knew baby need to stay in an enclosed area so she transferred him to a shelter where his treatment n drips were started immediately . But this made Anuradha all the more adamant to have her own care center cum shelter . She took loans and with the help of a donor who chose to remain anonymous but promised life long help she opened her shelter .
When one is determined to tread alone on the path of righteousness God also comes to help in different forms . Anuradha was extremely lucky that Senior vetnary Dr.Preet Pal Singh saw her dedication to these voiceless babies and offered to treat all her babies at her shelter for free . The babies could not have been more lucky to be in the capable hands of such an experienced doctor with such a big heart . To quote the wonderful doctor –“ The cause was such that I had to be a part of it charging a fee for my services was unthinkable .”
Soon she had a student named Rohit , , who was impressed by the genuine nature of her work , join her to help her in her rescue work . Running after hurt ,scared n disoriented dogs on the street is not a piece of cake and here Rohit took over , muzzling the babies , carrying them and dealing with crowd is part of his routine.
Thus started Hope for the Speechless Soul.
Her shelter is full of happy babies who are looked after so well . She even breaths life into those babies who have been declared a hopeless case . Tara and Sitara were barely a month old when they came under a road roller and were paralyzed waist down . Everyone suggested put them to sleep as they have no future . But this Angel of ours will not hear of it . She picked them up and took them to her shelter . what magic she did in form of care n exercise I do not know but today both of these girls are healthy happy and running on all fours . For Anuradha that 1% percent chance of survival is all she needs . “ This 1% may be nothing for others but for my furry baby it is hope and the rest 99% I am willing to give.”
Princess was another case reported of a month old semi paralyzed baby lying in a dump in pathetic conditions. Unfortunately her condition was irreversible but one can smile with tears in their eyes on seeing the stinking ,bleeding mass of rotting fur transform into a real life princess . Left on her own she would not have survived even a few days but here she is at hope , a loving baby enjoying life .
Pari n her brother Casper two blind babies were left at her shelter by some kind souls . After a month of care and medication , Casper’s eyesight is perfect while Pari can see 10% which helps her not bumping into objects and walls. These happy babies can be seen running n jumping around with others .
Personally I was so happy and so relieved seeing her shelter – The main ingredient she uses in her food and medicine is Love n Care .
Anuradha has also created a special herbal organic oil which works like magic on dogs suffering from Mange and other skin diseases . She used her oil for the first time on Gabru . A furry baby left on roadside by the MCD workers with fractured back legs n sever skin disease . Since it was the pre shelter era she bribed the watchman of an empty plot to keep Gabru there while she started her treatment of the legs as well as the skin . How the oil worked its magic is obvious from the pictures . Now its been so many months since Gabru is happy n healed yet he comes daily to the shelter morn and eve to have his goodies and pay homage to the lady who selflessly cured him . The oil is available for sale on request.
Moti is the latest addition to the hope family, skin looks as if he has been boiled alive , puss and blood oozing everywhere . But now we just wait and watch as Anuradha with her healing touch cures and the baby is seen health with all his fur back .
We live in a society which is unsympathetic to humans forget animals. The crazy dog lady as she is often called by many had to fight a battle at every step . Her passion was ridiculed, people deliberately tried to find faults in her work , some even went to the extent of being physically abusive to scare her . But this determined lady did not give up and fought one and all along with the support of her husband Akshat another dog lover . On being asked which movie did she see last , she smiled and replied –“ I do not have time for all this” . Mayb a dinner or day out with family, shopping , visiting relatives ? This question seemed to amuse her and she said – “Every moment I am here with my furry family only, this is my calling , this is what makes me . My babies complete me .”
Angels do not always have wings , a halo and a magic wand . Sometimes they appear with mercy , goodness and kindness in their heart – I bow to such an angel , God bless you Anuradha . It is also very unfortunate that God also test those he love the most . she is to undergo an urgent surgery of her uterus which if left untreated can cause death , and post surgery a months bed rest is mandatory . But as expected this crazy female defying all rules of sterilized atmosphere etc has agreed for the surgery only if post surgery she can be at the shelter and not away from the furry babies .
I request you all with folded hands please help this generous soul with medicine , dog food , cages , beds , blankets , funds etc . Help her help these furry babies . She is not doing any job and her husband is the soul earning member . ‘ Hope family ‘ is growing day by day . kindly donate and support , every penny counts and gives new lease of life to a dying , distressed baby .
To see more of her work visit her page on Facebook at –
She can be reached at her shelter -
Hope for the speechless
House no 41, ground floor
Front side, Shakti khand _ 2
Indirapuram ,
Gaziabaad , India.
Mobile no –09911911757
Kindly donate at – Hope 4 Speechless Souls
Ac no – 50200012911416
IFSC Code – hdfc0000590
HDFC bank ltd 2&3 windsor park
5 vaibhav khand
Indirapuram , Gazhiabad
India .
For donations from outside of India – Anuradha Mishra
Ac number 50100049495117
IFSC Code – hdfc0000590
Swift code – HDFCINBBDEL
HDFC bank ltd 2&3 windsor park
5 vaibhav khand
Indirapuram , Gazhiabad
India .
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