US Attorney Preet Bharara putting corruption to rest


US Attorney Preet Bahara has successfully alleged Assemly Speaker Sheldon Silver  with charges of corruption since 2000.

Silver Sheldon is charged with corruption, extortion , fraud and could face a 20 year jail term. The Manhatten Democrat has been acknowledged as one of the most powerful democrats in the State. He abused his power and is charged with pocketing almost $4.9 Million.


Bharara is a crusader, digging the graves of corrupt, Indian origin or not .



“Any time you have an allegation — especially when it’s proven — against a public official, that is disturbing. And when you have an allegation against someone who is a public official — not just in a random file capacity, but a leader of an entire body who is known in the politics of Albany to be one of the ‘three men in a room’ — that is especially disturbing,” Bharara said.


“For many years, New Yorkers have asked the question: How could Speaker Silver, one of the most powerful men in all of New York, earn millions of dollars in outside income without deeply compromising his ability to honestly serve his constituents?” Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, asked at a news conference with F.B.I. officials. “Today, we provide the answer: He didn’t.”


The 70-year-old speaker has been accused of earning millions outside his government work. He had created a fictional law practice that was the face used earning bribes.


Public officials, especially who make laws and regulations for the people of the State and Country are expected to be honest. “As we are reminded today, those who make the laws don’t have the right to break the laws,” Richard Frankel, the special agent in charge of the Criminal Division of the New York office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, said at the news conference.


However Mr. Silver is confident that once the whole investigation is over , he would be vindicated.



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