German Party demand immigrants to speak German at home , now withdrawing their demand

The conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), in Germany is under a lot of fire and fury when it suggested that the immigrants should be speaking German in public and at home. The policy paper stated: “People who want to remain here on a permanent basis should be obliged to speak German in public and within the family.”


But after an active backlash it restated its statement to “People who want to remain here on a permanent basis should be obliged to speak German in public and within the family.”


While it’s one thing for people to understand and speak German in public places, but the expectation that immigrants should also speak German in their homes is absurd and drew attention to the restricted thinking of Germans in general. It clearly shows how Germany is not open to immigrants even though their own population is aging.


Since Monday morning today various political dignitaries are trying to ameliorate their comments on social media.

From Yahoo

Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said no one in his center-left party “would come up with the idea of banning immigrants from speaking their mother tongue, and I am sure that we will never reach this level of political dementia.”


CSU general secretary Andreas Scheuer emerged from a party leaders’ meeting Monday to say the offending sentence was being changed to say would-be residents “should be motivated to speak German in day-to-day life.”

“From the beginning, there was no talk of obligation, bossing people around or inspections,” Scheuer said, insisting the party had been misunderstood.

The comments on the Yahoo article were interesting, most shunning immigration and having an unfriendly attitude towards the immigrants.



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