Once in a while every house would have a clogged toilet . Boy! That’s ugly! Unclogging toilets are a pain –tools and chemicals are abundant in the marketplace for unclogging them. The best one though is baking soda-which every household will necessarily have.
Now, it’s just not the individual houses that are having a clogged pipe problem. In western New York the problem has gone beyond homes and are affecting the entire community. The sewer pipes are regularly getting clogged and waste authorities are trying to get to the root of the problem . Till now they have identified the flushable wipes as the problem. It seems that the moist wipes are not suited for flushing at all. They never break down resulting in a clogged sewer pipe.
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies has said that they have been hearing complaints of clogged sewer pipes since the last four years –about the time when the flushable wipes got popular. Millions of dollars are getting wasted in unclogging these pipes.
Few cities have recognized this problem and have adopted the slogan “keep wipes out of pipes” regardless of the wipes being flushable or not. Feminine products , baby wipes and paper towels are a sure way to clog the toilet. Some toilet paper is better than others. Costco’s brand Kirkland could be a little cheaper but does not get broken down easily . Scott’s toilet paper is the best in this regard.
Europe has embraced bidets. Maybe, it’s time for US to embraced them too. They are cleaner and cost –effective . The cost of a bidet ranges from $20-$200 . It is a clean alternative to toilet paper. Bidet is the answer to clean bums and pipes!
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