Mrs at 12, mom at 15

More than 53 per cent of the brides in Uttar Pradesh were found to be below 18 years of age at the time of marriage, according to theNational Family Health Survey (NFHS). If you find this shocking, then here is something more: About a decade ago, the corresponding figures in UP stood at 63.9 per cent. Though a lot remains to be done to check the menace, the fact that things are changing for the better is some consolation.

With early marriage comes early parenting as well. It is no surprise that 9 out of every 100 brides are barely 12 when married and 15 when they turn mothers, mostly within a year of tying the nuptial knot.

Another survey by a non-government organisation in collaboration with UP health department, conducted about a year ago, states that an average of 45.6 per cent brides in

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