If you own one, turn on your iPad or iPhone and open up iTunes. How many of the songs did you buy yourself, and how many did you download illegally or rip from a friend
Lets me explain… a 14 year old kiddy scripter who makes money off of porting opensource software shout NOT be paid ANYTHING.niPhone and iPad apps are INSANELY expensive once you realize that the people making them don’t know anything about programming, and are making money off of your stupidity. These same “apps” wouldn’t even be marketable on the PC market…nbut on an underpowered and overly expensive device with intentional design flaws such that the second release will sell like crazy…. they’re suddently “cheap”.nnPirate them I say, I support it… it’s not like the developers DESERVE their funds for kiddy scripted apps, let alone does APPLE deserve 25% of the profits.
Lets me explain… a 14 year old kiddy scripter who makes money off of porting opensource software shout NOT be paid ANYTHING.niPhone and iPad apps are INSANELY expensive once you realize that the people making them don’t know anything about programming, and are making money off of your stupidity. These same “apps” wouldn’t even be marketable on the PC market…nbut on an underpowered and overly expensive device with intentional design flaws such that the second release will sell like crazy…. they’re suddently “cheap”.nnPirate them I say, I support it… it’s not like the developers DESERVE their funds for kiddy scripted apps, let alone does APPLE deserve 25% of the profits.