A colorful four-part plate, with a side dish of dairy, has replaced the 19-year-old food pyramid as the icon of the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines.
The new icon, called “My Plate,” is split into four sections — red for fruits, green for vegetables, orange for grains, and purple for protein — with a separate blue section for dairy on the side.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack unveiled the icon at a news conference today. He said the food pyramid was “simply too complex to serve as a quick and easy guide for American families.”
At the news conference, first lady Michelle Obama praised My Plate as “a wonderful, kid-friendly tool” that’s practical for busy families.
“What’s more simple than a plate?” she asked. “I’m confident that families will find this useful. They can start using this today.”
The Obamas are already doing so. “Trust me: We are implementing this in our household,” Obama said.
The icon represents more than the currently recommended
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