Mid-week—a gathering? And yet I had looked forward to the evening. Evening was promised to no-filter-chats, evening was promised to no-posing-for-photographs, evening was promised to no-talk-about-which-party-you-are-going-to-next, evening was promised to ambiance, […]
Naperville is Lit to the Hilt
“Does anybody else think this time the town is lit more than usual?” I wondered aloud in the car. When my family nodded in agreement, I knew I was right. […]
Covid hits home
In the little town that I live in, some folks here make it a party town. Women take off from work in the afternoons to attend a party; props and […]
History of Law & Order term used by Trump
Daisy Ad or Peace Little Girl Ad was aired only once during the 1964 election from the offices of incumbent President Lyndon Johnson, but went viral and proved effective. Watch […]
What makes Indian Americans different?
The new series on Netflix— “Indian Matchmaking” made it to the top 10 US list. A few weeks ago, another series called Never Have I Ever with an Indian American […]