Written over a period of three months, ‘The Key Has Turned’ features 10 new songs, one old song in ‘Scream’, which was written in 2011, and ‘Your Diamonds My Rust’, which is an homage to ‘Diamonds And Rust’ by Joan Baez (Interesting story there, but this might not be the space for it).
‘Everyone’s Favourite Four Letter Word’ from the album is fast becoming a crowd favourite at Surjo’s live performances, with people latching onto the fun lyrics for an otherwise serious subject. Even for those who’ve never heard the song, by the time the third line comes around, they know they’re in for a laugh.
‘It’s made up of four letters and it rhymes with truck
Scream it when you’re happy, or even when you’re stuck’

For those in India who wish to purchase the album, please go here to review and buy: https://www.oklisten.com/ album/the_key_has_turned
For those abroad who wish to purchase the album, please get in touch with Surjo at his Facebook page: https://www.facebook. com/OfficialSurjoMusic, he is selling the album personally at a cost of $6 USD