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Nigella Lawson, attacked by her husband in public

££-NIGELLA-1956489-1024x681Mirror reports and carries pictures of Celebrity Chef Nigella Lawson attacked by her husband Charles Satchi in a London restaurant.


The couple had gone to their favorite seafood restaurant and were seen sitting in an outside table. It looked like a row that blew out of proportion with Charles Satchi completely losing it. In the pictures it clearly shows he is twisting her neck and people saw the celebrated glamorous chef wiping her tears continuously.


Lawson has been reported by webpronews to have left her home with her children after the photos got leaked out to the public. She was married to the Art Collector in 2003.


Charles Satchi has been known to have a temper and Nigella has said in the past that she gets quiet when a row happens because she does not like creating a scene –but she does feel miserable afterwards.


An Australian radio station criticized Nigella for taking the abuse. Radio presenter Dee Dee Dunleavy of the Melbourne station triggered a social rage when he said Australians should boycott her new book –because Nigella is an icon many women would like to emulate. She wrote


“If you want us to buy your books and watch your shows on how to run our kitchens, then we need you to make a stand on domestic violence,” she wrote.


It can come across as a shock to many to read about someone as successful and famous as Nigella Lawson to be attacked by her husband. One in every four woman gets abused in a relationship. Women, you don’t need to suffer in silence. If you cannot stop it yourself take help –but please do not stay in such a kind of relationship. It is not you that should be embarrassed but it is the abuser who needs punishment.  As it is often quoted –people deserve the government they get –it can be directly applied to our personal relationships. If we don’t want to be treated badly by anyone-do not be afraid to speak up and show your anger/disappointment to the person ill-treating you.


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