Vitamin C might not keep you from catching a cold, but not getting an adequate amount of the vitamin can keep you from burning fat.
A study from Arizona State found that folks with low-blood concentrations of vitamin C, who walked on treadmills for a 60-minute session, burned 25 percent less fat than other participants with adequate amounts of C. Fortunately, a simple dose of vitamin C remedied the lackluster fat-burning potential of the participants. Vitamin Cis necessary for creating the compound carnitine, which helps turn fat into fuel.
While the recommended daily intake ofvitamin C is low, 90mg for men and 75mg for women, many health advocates recommend larger daily doses. Holistic health doctor Andrew Weil recommends 200mg daily, while the Linus Pauling Institute (named for the scientist that made the vitamin famous) recommends 400mg daily. The health team at Real Agerecommends consuming 1,200mg daily between foods and supplements.
On this note, I am going to add some strawberries to my cereal tomorrow morning since a half cup contains 42mg of vitamin C.