Recent discoveries of Tamil Brahmi writing in Tamil Nadu could force experts to revisit their theories of how writing arose in India.
Tamil Brahmi writing has been discovered on pottery and utensils, burial urns and as rock engravings across the length and breadth of Tamil Nadu. A discovery at Porunthal village near Palani (Subramaniam, 2009) and a supposed finding at Adichanallur (Subramanian T. , `Rudimentary Tamil-Brahmi script’ unearthed at Adichanallur, 2005), near Tirunelveli, may completely up-end our understanding of how writing evolved in the Indian sub-continent.
A cist-burial was excavated in 2009 at Porunthal. The grave goods included a jar with paddy, 7500 beads of carnelian, steatite, quartz and agate, iron stirrups, iron swords, knives and what is of most importance to us – two ring-stands inscribed with the same Tamil-Brahmi script reading
Suba Sir you are prophet, 100% right. The time has come that in Keezhadi 2019 excavations has proved beyond doubt that the writing scripts Tamizh is the oldest writing system in Indian subcontinent which is 300 years older than (6th century BC) so called brahmi or Asohka brahmi scripts. The scripts found in Keezhadi near Madurai is exactly matches with Sindhu and Harappa civilization writing system. Asohkan took the writing scripts from Tamizh country to north not other way as some people’s imaginary stories.
A day will come when we will have to accept that Tamil didnt come from Ashokan Brahmi !!