A BTech final year girl student at MMM Engineering College, Gorakhpur, was rusticated by the college administration on Tuesday for keeping her boyfriend in her hostel room during night. The boy is a student of IIT-Delhi.
The college has also asked IIT-Delhi to initiate action against the boy.
According to reports, the girl was residing at Saraswati Mahila Hostel of the MMM Engineering College along with her roommate.
On March 7 when her roommate was not present in the hostel, the girl brought her boyfriend during the night in girl’s dress. Next morning, the boy left the room in the same dress.
Several girl students of the hostel made complaints to the warden about the girl’s act.
The matter was reported to the college principal who set up a panel to probe into the incident.
The panel found truth in the allegation and recommended for rustication of the girl from the college.
It is said that the girl herself had confessed to have brought her boyfriend to the hostel room.
She also disclosed the name of her boyfriend and his whereabouts.
It is said that both belong to Agra district and know each other for quite a long time. They are academically brilliant and the girl was also selected by a company for job during the campus recruitment.
After this incident, the college administration has tightened the security in the girls’ hostels.