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Sending Kids to a School Which Does Not Belong to Your Residential Area is a Crime

If you want your children to go to a school which is in a better school district- then live in that area. People pay huge taxes to live in such a neighborhood. If you cannot afford such a neighborhood then make time to improve the school your children are attending. Its hard work all the way.Attending a school that does not fall in your residential area is a crime- read on.


An Ohio single mother was released Wednesday after spending 10 days in jail for sending her children to school.

But it was the wrong school, authorities say.

Kelley Williams-Bolar registered her two daughters with the Copley-Fairlawn School District in the suburbs of Akron, Ohio, near her father’s home.

She and the children live in downtown Akron, where the school district has a much lower academic record and the neighbourhood is plagued by drugs and crime.

The woman told CNN the family considered her father’s house one of their homes.

“My primary residence was both places. I stayed at both places,” she said in an interview at the Summit County Jail.

Her father, Edward Williams, said the children did live with him so he believed the family was within the law.

In addition, his daughter’s Akron neighbourhood

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